Manifesting with the Divine

I mentioned in my post Understanding the Brain how the angels gifted me the practice of Divine Healing, and taught me that manifesting inner changes first, creates lasting abundance in all areas of our life. When I speak of the Divine it is always in reference to the angelic realm. For you, it may be something else. My interpretation of anything Divine is that which we have great faith in that represents the supreme characteristics of Source. That entity we may call God or something else.

To provide a little background, I was new to understanding angels when my daughter died by suicide in July 2005. A few months earlier, I’d started to expand my curiosity about them after I bought my sister a book about angels for her birthday.

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Angels are 4 Real!

Today, I want to talk about angels. I love angels. I found them in 2005, just a few months before my twenty-two-year old daughter died by suicide. Today, I can truly say the angels are what saved me from myself in my horrendous suffering from my grief, and the big bad world, until I could stand more firmly on my feet. Initially, I studied with a mentor who has now gone on to other things. But I want to be clear, the angels have made an indelible impact on me, to the point I cannot imagine ever abandoning them from my personal life or the work that I publicly do. I am proud to claim angels as a huge part of my daily living and can honestly admit that without them, I don’t know where I’d be today, if even alive.

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