Manifesting with the Divine

I mentioned in my post Understanding the Brain how the angels gifted me the practice of Divine Healing, and taught me that manifesting inner changes first, creates lasting abundance in all areas of our life. When I speak of the Divine it is always in reference to the angelic realm. For you, it may be something else. My interpretation of anything Divine is that which we have great faith in that represents the supreme characteristics of Source. That entity we may call God or something else.

To provide a little background, I was new to understanding angels when my daughter died by suicide in July 2005. A few months earlier, I’d started to expand my curiosity about them after I bought my sister a book about angels for her birthday.

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Understanding the brain: why we can’t just wish our desires into reality

Conscious evolvement – where we are choosing to grow in some way through awareness and choice, comes in large part from our desire to no longer live in fear. Every negative thought we have arises from a past hurt or traumatic event that is still threatening our safety in some way. Because our brain’s only job is to keep us surviving, and we don’t have the consciousness (yet) to change the functioning of its threat systems that warn us of danger (real or perceived), attempting to manifest what we want based only on changing our thinking won’t lead us to make lasting changes. At least, not where limiting thought patterns continue to challenge us.

There is a physiological component to manifesting that can help to explain, at least in part, why we get so frustrated when we believe that our efforts to create the changes we want have failed. They haven’t, really. It’s just that we are up against more than only the mind.

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Are You Stuck in the Past and Want More for Your Life?

Any life event that has uprooted you in some way may be keeping you stuck in pain. This could be from a childhood trauma or as an adult, the loss of a loved one, relationship, job, money, health, lifestyle or friends. Pain is pain, no matter where it comes from. It can feel just as devastating for everyone, dependent on what we are here to experience.

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4 Key Rules “Intend from Desire vs Expectation”

The practice of intention has been around for ages. In fact, all of us start intending from the moment we consciously start making decisions. It’s just that most people don’t know that’s what they are doing.

There have been fads of various takes on the intention and manifestation process that have come and gone over the decades. They all serve to remind us of the power we have to create our inner and outer world experiences in line with what we truly want. And many people hop on board and try one or more of these techniques for a while. They have some success and then when things turn south, give it up.

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5 Tips to “Do What You Love … Love What You Do!”

Many mornings of late, I have arisen in the dark to start my day, thoroughly enjoying the ambience of soft lighting; the breaking of dawn that brings with it the beautiful ocean view that forms part of the natural vista; the peace and quiet that surrounds me. Most importantly, I enjoy the freedom I have to do what I love and love what I do. Every single day! But hovering in the back of my mind are the memories of when I didn’t have this freedom and I wasn’t enjoying all parts of my day. Of all the manifesting tools at my disposal, I often felt that things weren’t moving fast enough or sometimes even in the direction I wanted to go. It was difficult to stay positive.

Do What You Love and Love What You Do has become part of my daily mantra, but rather than gauge my success based only on tangible results I have created (much of manifestation teaching centres on accumulating material wealth), my interest is in what lies at the heart of manifesting. Which is the guts, confidence, determination, resilience, persistence and faith it takes over the long haul to pursue and live a purposeful life that ultimately, does bring with it the freedom, bounty and contentment we all deserve to enjoy. A life of one’s dreams filled with purpose and passion can be attained by anyone. Not just some lucky people, which is what it seems like when manifestation efforts are aimed solely at the accumulation of material goods and you don’t see sufficient results.

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Inner Creation First

Many people come into this world believing they are undeserving of their true worth, goodness and love. The more we understand that true power comes from within, the more powerful we become. One of the most important concepts to understand when working with intention and manifestation is that there is enough in the world to go around. For everyone. We only have to tap into this wealth of abundance that the universe provides by honoring our worthiness and staying open to receiving the overflow of abundance that is out there to claim. And then claim it!

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